I just had to stop and get a photo of this.
What sparks your creativity? For it got me to reflect on what sparks my own. I do know from experience that often my most creative thoughts or a truth that I come to realise and learn about myself or life often comes in the quietest of moments.
The more rested, relaxed, focused and by continually allowing myself to be renewed and creative does allow me to perform better in my everyday life, as there is a real need to be relaxed and rested if I am to be at my best and allow myself to become creative in my life and work. To figure how best to deal with the many challenges that living out each day presents. To make the best decisions possible at any given time during the day and to be as creative as possible when it comes to looking for solutions and answers when these difficulties and challenges arise.
We can’t get it right all of the time and creative confidence is not about being certain of the answers, but about being certain that you will find the answers yourself. If you allow yourself to be creative, you need have no fear, for the answers will come to point you in the right direction.
As Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” So what can you do to spark your own creativity? What can you do at this time to allow some creativity into your life and work so as to deal with all that it is you are dealing with in the living out of your everyday life? So go on, allow yourself a little space and time out today.