Author, Speaker, Mentor

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Refocus the mind and heart and get back on track to achieve the goals.

September can often be a great month to refocus the mind and heart and get back on track to achieve the goals you may well have set for yourself at the start of the year.

So, no matter what has gone on for you since the start of the year
or at what point you are in your life, if you are searching for your true success, it can be achieved. You may be feeling:

  • lost, with no real sense of what true success is for you or how it could be achieved in your life;
  • angry and disappointed that the success you want for your life has evaded you to date;
  • that you have been pursuing the wrong type of success for you, or even what others see as success for you;
  • disheartened, believing that it is now too late in your life to achieve success; or
  • that you are at an age where you are only now setting out in life, and want to know what it would be for you to live a life of true success.

Only now, none of these can be enough to stop you. The true success you want for your life can be made real; it really can. This is your life and your life alone; it is worth investing in it at every level. I wish you true success in every area of your life, in a way that is unique to you and that engages your heart at the deepest level. I encourage you to keep striving, even when you meet with disappointments along the way.

So, what is true success?

‘Is the greatest hunger in life for food, money, power, status, security, sex, or even love? For if it is, time and again people have achieved all of these things, in the belief that this would make their life one of success. Yet having achieved this success, they have wound up still feeling dissatisfied – indeed, often more dissatisfied then when they began.’

Many people don’t even ask what it would mean for them to be truly successful in their own life, let alone what it would mean to achieve success. Yet if you do ask yourself this question, and then answer it truthfully, it can more often than not lead to the truth of what you want for your life. If you take the time and effort to think through exactly what success means to you, it will bring more meaning into your life – which will help you spend time doing the things that are right for you, both now and in the future. This will make the success you wish for become a reality.’
So, go on give yourself some time to answer what is true success for you and how best can you now go and achieve it starting afresh in September.
Delighted to have been in the Mansion House answering that very question with the Lord Mayor of Dublin Paul McAuliffe and Seán O’Keefe from Liberties Press as we discussed my new book Conversations in Singapore: Searching for True Success on the Silk Road One Question at a Time (Published by Liberties Press) and available from here.

A book that will change your life, for you will never see achieving success in the same away again, be that for yourself or the people who matter most to you.

Self-leadership, staying on track and achieving your goals.

Self-leadership, staying on track and achieving your goals will often mean that there will be a danger that as you are about to achieve your goals, you will get pulled back. If faced with the option of either standing out or fitting in, the only decision really is whether to go for it and run the risk of getting dragged down or stay where you are in life.

Choosing to either fit in or stand out can be a really tough decision either way. When faced with difficulties or problems as you pursue your goals, self-leaders ask themselves intuitively: “What gift does this difficulty or problem hide?” They note the answer, which may be something like a new way of thinking, a new way of doing something or the opportunity to take a risk.
They understand that determination and stamina are required, when faced with difficulties or problems that have been caused either by their own making or because of some bad luck. When setting out to achieve their goals, self-leaders do not go out of their way to make life any harder than it has to be. They look for the path of least resistance. However, this does not stop them from taking difficult decisions and staying determined to see them through in the pursuit of the life they want to live.
If your instinct is to try and avoid dealing with a difficulty or problem, then the next time you are confronted with such a situation, do your utmost to maintain your energy and commitment to stay determined to step up to the challenge and overcome the difficulty or problem you face. If you do this, you might just find yourself tackling difficulties and problems as they arise with more drive and enthusiasm.

We all have fears and more so when pursuing the life, we really want to live, many of which we are unaware of. The first step is to become aware and accept that these fears can be rational or irrational. Regardless of whether they are rational or irrational, they are always personal to us as individuals. Remember, all ‘fear’ really stands for is: False Expectations Appearing Real

If you want to lessen your fears, once you are aware of them, you will have to face them. There really is no simple solution. Moving beyond a fear requires you to bring reason to the situation, along with courage and determination. If confrontation is something you fear, then the more you have to deal with it, and stay determined to do so, the less fear it will hold. If you accept the situations in which you find yourself and work at converting them into something positive – which is not easily done – this can have really positive results in your life and work.

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