Author, Speaker, Mentor

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Planning for the new year and years ahead

Life is full of uncertainty and risk, and that your decisions and planning for the new year and years ahead must take this into account when going forward to live the life you truly want to live.

You must make sure to deal with the practical and financial implications of living the life you were born to live, aware that if you are scared your thinking won’t be rational. The brain is extraordinary, and once you get rid of the fear, it usually finds an answer. And when you do, you will see how many other things start to fall into place.

So yes, to starting the new year by making comprehensive plans for the future, only there is a need to remind yourself that, while it’s ok to make plans don’t make the mistake of planning the outcome! That you continue to keep taking the next right step, despite the difficulty and all that this can appear to be. Knowing that when you do, it will keep bringing you towards where your work and life need to be going.

Like those who shared their stories in my latest book Showing Your True Colours many of the storytellers, showed that the creative impulse can often improve with time and experience. This could be because of our accumulated memories, as older adults are often good at connecting the dots. This sort of wisdom can lead to mature people being very innovative. Maybe it is because of this wisdom and the lessons learnt from life that today we are seeing greater numbers of older adults becoming entrepreneurs. In addition, the more we recognise and support them in this, the more they will express this form of creativity for the betterment of us all. All the same, while the creative impulse can often improve with time and experience, this should not be an excuse to wait to get going!

So, truly do want to wish you the very best for the New Year, and years ahead as you get going to see the plans you have for your life and work become the reality you so want them to be in 2024.

If you want to follow up on what has been written here and get to read fourteen stories of people who figured out why they were born and learned to live their truth – and how you can too then please get a copy of my new book Showing Your True Colours

Published by Genius Media it is available from:
Amazon and Genius Media

What others think of you is none of your business.

There will be those who will rejoice with you if and when you choose to go and live your best life. Yet many more will envy you for having the courage to do this. For many people, whether they admit it to themselves or not, there will be jealousy, lots of jealousy. With this being the case, you will need to start to care little for what others think of you and place yourself in the position of answering to no one, only to yourself. You will have to accept that what others think of you is none of your business.

Often, the fear of potential loneliness, rejection and ridicule can be too much for some. Better they do not rock the boat (a sailing term used by the captain to describe keeping things the way they are), as it seems much safer to do nothing and to stay living the life they have. Now, many of our storytellers talk of the loneliness they felt on going to pursue the life they were born to live. At the start, there was sometimes unbelievable loneliness and a genuine fear of never being part of anything again. For so many, this is often the point at which they falter. They struggle so much with the loneliness that they find it impossible to keep going and they return to their old life. The journey towards seeing their dream life become a reality seems just too much. The thing is, hard as it may be, this sort of loneliness is normal at the start of setting out to live your best life.

Now, this is not about pursuing your desires in a narcissistic sense. Whatever your goals, you will need to take into account, as best you can, your family, friends and relationships. But when you stop worrying about what everyone else thinks of you, there’s no longer any need to try to be perfect all the time. Being concerned about what others think of you and striving to be perfect will no longer be enough to keep you from living the life you were born to live.

If you want to follow up on what has been written here and get to read fourteen stories of people who figured out why they were born and learned to live their truth – and how you can too then please get a copy of my new book Showing Your True Colours

Published by Genius Media it is available from:

Amazon & Genius Media

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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