Showing Your True Colours Fourteen stories of people who figured out why they were born and learned to live their truth - and how you can too. All leadership starts with self-leadership, following your own inspiration and leading your life by your own principles. Michael E Daly shares fourteen remarkable, inspiring stories of people who figured out why they were born and learned to live their truth and shows you how you can too.

Conversations in Singapore is a book about a twenty-two-week overland trip Michael got to take from London to Sydney in 2015. The aim of undertaking this journey was to write a book about the meaning of true success. He was to get the answer to this unexpectedly in a number of conversations in a hotel in Singapore – where for the most part the book is based. He also weaves these meetings while at the hotel with the journey on the Silk Road.


The Six Traits of Self-Leadership is all about assisting and supporting you to reach your full potential so as to have more success in work and life. It will help you to take ownership of your present situation, accept where you are in your life, and then to invest the time and energy in setting out where you want to be so as to have this success in your work and life.