As an author Michael's books are all about encouraging, supporting and enabling individuals to get clear about what they need to do, so as to bring meaning and purpose, to all they do, so as to achieve true success faster and easier than you would ever think possible.


Having finished at St. Kevin’s College, Ballygall Road, Dublin, a Christian Brothers’ run school Michael went on to study to become a monk with the Irish order of Christian Brothers’. It was their commitment and dedication to enabling all those that they worked with to be the best that they could be, that inspired him to become one of the Brothers. It was there that he believed he could make his biggest impact in enabling individuals and communities to be the best that they could be.

Much of his time there was dedicated to studying, including qualifying as a Social Care Worker with the Dublin Institute of Technology. He also got to experience how with the right knowledge and expertise, individuals, groups, and organizations could be enabled to bring meaning, purpose, and clarity to all they do in the achievement of what would be true success for them. After eight years of this rewarding work and great personal growth, the time came to move on from the Christian Brothers’ and bring his passion, knowledge, and experience to his next best level and a wider audience.

This work began initially with teenagers and young adults. This involved getting them to take responsibility for themselves and ownership of their own lives and destinies. This then led to being offered and the taking up a leadership position which involved enabling adults, committees, communities, groups, and organizations to be the best that they could be in creating better futures for both themselves and all those with whom they got to work with. After many years of this work, it was time for him to take the next brave step and move on once again. So, for the last twenty-plus years, Michael has been a writer, speaker, and mentor who works with individuals, groups, and organizations to get clear about the work needed to be done and the life needed to be lived so as to give meaning, purpose, and bring success to all they do. While being based in Ireland he is also regularly invited to travel throughout Europe to give talks, make presentations, lead workshops and mentor on leadership and being a leader in your own work and life, setting realistic goals so as to achieve true success in your work and life, and how practicing mindfulness can assist is getting clear about the work needed to be done and the life needed to be lived so as to give meaning, purpose, and bring true success to all you, your team and organization do.

As well as being an author, speaker and mentor he presents the D15 Today Show and the leadership show – Making A Difference on Phoenix FM and hold qualifications in Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Enterprise (University College Dublin), Social Care (Dublin Institute of Technology), Public Administration (Institute of Public Administration (IPA) Dublin), and has an MA in Health Care Management (IPA, Dublin).