Author, Speaker, Mentor

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Are you ready to start back as you mean to go on?

Welcome back and do hope you had a good break over the summer. Really hope you are feeling rested and ready to go once again and if not, no worries at all. Only, if you have come back rested or want to feel rested going forward, are you ready to start back as you mean to go on? If so, well then read on

One night, I got to hear a speaker talk about his need to start every day with a fifteen-minute meditation. This calmed him down and got him grounded to be better positioned to deal with and take on the challenges of the day in a more creative and energised way. (His weakness was that he allowed himself to be pulled in to many different directions during his working day.)
At the end of the talk, he was asked, “what he does on really long and busy days?” His answer: on days like that, he usually does thirty minutes of meditation!

That you now continue to take time out for when you do it will allow you to keep on learning how to live and make the most of the life you are living. Self-leaders allow themselves the time to be silent, and so they cultivate the power of the imagination, which helps them move towards what they want their life and work to be about. For you, this time out may only be ten to fifteen minutes once a week. This is a brilliant start and will give you something solid to build on. Make the most of this time and use it constructively. It is not about looking back over the past and digging up regrets and mistakes or just day-dreaming about the future. Look at where you want to go and what you are doing about it.

Work at developing a mechanism that allows you to take time out regularly. Space and time will let you gather your energy and thoughts and stop yourself from being pulled in different directions daily. Once you have discovered what works for you to achieve this, have the courage and determination to just do it daily. Any time spent allowing yourself to recharge your batteries and get creative is not wasted, even if it is just taking a few minutes out to be quiet, to just stand back from all the hustle and bustle around you. This alone will improve your understanding of what is going on for you and how best you can respond to it. You need to be aware of what it is you are reacting to and work out how you can positively respond to it instead. (If you are reacting to what is going on around, you are not in charge–only by responding do you get to take control of the situation.)

You need to not only look at what is happening, but also why it is happening. It will also give you the opportunity to realize the different choices you may have and to think about the implications of each option. This will improve your decision-making abilities. If you can ensure you have regular times out, it will also allow you to learn from living.
Self-leaders know that the more they can maintain their energy and sense of creativity, the more resilient they will be, the more they will keep going and the more likely they will be to go on and live the life they want to live. They understand that taking time out to build up their energy and creativity will allow them to move forward in the face of their fears and doubts.
If you want to follow up on what I have written here and living a life of true and real success for you, please check out my books—available from AMAZON

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

When was the last time you were really rested and relaxed?

After this blog, I will be taking July and August off and I really am looking forward to having some time to rest and relaxed. So with this in mind I ask you –

When was the last time you were really rested and relaxed?

Was it at the end of a holiday or maybe when you had something cancelled at the last moment and had some unexpected time for yourself?

How did you feel – more confident, less stressed, clear-headed, even creative and more energised? You will need to feel all these things if you are going to set out the life you want to live, and then have the courage and determination to make the changes needed to see it happen.
Will you please take some time to answer the following questions?

  • What stops you from taking time out to rest, relax and get creative?
  • Is it that you would feel guilty because you have so much to do and it wouldn’t be getting done?
  • Or do you not feel worthy of taking time out for yourself as you have to keep going to meet the demands being placed on you by everyone around you?
  • Could it be that if you took some time out, you might just really get to see how your life is and that’s not a nice thought for you?

So, go on and answer the question – what is really stopping you from taking time out to rest, relax and get creative?
We can’t change something unless we know what that something is. You need to first identify it. Only then can living these traits help you overcome what is holding you back.

What would help you now to take some quality time out, giving yourself the space to reflect on and set in motion ways of becoming a self-leader in your own life and working towards the life you want to live?

Might it be getting up a few minutes earlier in the morning or just switching off the television a little earlier in the evening to give you some quiet time to answer the questions and do the exercises in this book? Would buying a writing pad or a Dictaphone (if you prefer not to write) to record your thoughts and ideas help you? If so, just go and do it.

We all have our own strategies for how best to do this – see what works best for you. Moreover, I truly do hope you do over the summer months. So, until I am back with my next blog in September, you take good care of yourself and really do hope you get to have a great summer.
If you do want to follow up on what has been written here and living a life of true and real success for you, please check out my books – available from Amazon.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

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