The story we tell about ourselves and our country becomes the story of our life and country, because we do not so much tell stories, as stories tell us. Truly do hope that when we come through this, that your story and that of your country is one of love, gratitude and hope for a bigger, better and brighter future for you, your country and this world of ours.
From ancient theology to contemporary psychology, our words shape our story and this becomes the framework for our behaviours; and our behaviours determine the way we lead our life, and the success we have. That the story we tell about our life becomes the story of our life, because we do not so much tell stories, as stories tell us.
True success starts within each of us. It is about being inner-led rather than striving for success as defined by the dictionary, or what common culture would have us believe it is: fame, power, money, having a big car, a great job, a good-looking partner, two-point-four children, and so on. While some of these may constitute success for some people, it does not have to be true for everyone and it certainty doesn’t seem that way now as we deal with the coronavirus.
Maybe now more than ever is the time to look internally to see what is true success for you; and then go and make this success a reality externally. To let this become the driving force for your own betterment, and that of the world around you.
So, whatever you do, wherever you are and no matter at what point you are in your life, if you are searching for your true success, then maybe now is your time, frightening and scare as the world now seems. At this time, you might well be feeling:
- lost, with no real sense of what true success is for you or how it could be achieved in your life;
- angry and disappointed that the success you want for your life has evaded you to date;
- that you have been pursuing the wrong type of success for you, or even what others see as success for you;
- disheartened, believing that it is now too late in your life to achieve success; or
- that you are at an age where you are only now setting out in life, and want to know what it would be for you to live a life of true success.
Only now, none of these can be enough to stop you. The true success you want for your life can and this world can be made real; it really can. This is your life and your life alone; it is worth investing in it at every level. I wish you true success in every area of your life, in a way that is unique to you and that engages your heart at the deepest level. I encourage you to keep striving, even when you meet with disappointments and tough times along the way.
A great way to start is like what was said at the start: that when we come through this, that your story and that of your country is one of love, gratitude and hope for a bigger, better and brighter future for you, your country and this world of ours.