Author, Speaker, Mentor

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Are you going to go on living the life you are living, or is this the year you get to live the life you were born to live?

Do hope you got to have a good Christmas and truly do hope 2023 is the year you get to live the life you were born to live. So then, are you going to go on living the life you are living, or is this the year you get to live the life you were born to live?

If you can answer ‘yes’ to any or all of the following questions, then you have a decision to make:

✔ Do you have a sense there could be more to life than the one you are living?
✔ Do you believe you could be living a different and better life than the one you have?
✔ Are you now in a place in your life where you just don’t want to be?
✔ Do you believe that you are not being true to yourself through the life you are living and the work you are doing?
✔ Would you like the life you are living to be happier?
✔ Are you ready to get more satisfaction from your work and life?
✔ Do you really want to be living the life you were born to live and doing the work you would love to do?

If you have answered ‘yes’ to any or indeed all of these questions, it is now time for you to take ownership of your life. For when you do, it will be possible to figure out why you were born. Again, this is all about going on an inner journey; an inner journey of transformation with initially no extraordinary outward changes, as you come to know why you were born and what it is you are meant to be doing with your life.
In my next blog for February, I will write on how you can figure out why you were born.

Again, truly do hope you got to have a good Christmas and so hope 2023 is the year you get to live the life you were born to live.
If you want to follow up on what has been written here and get to read fourteen stories of people who figured out why they were born and learned to live their truth – and how you can too then please get a copy of my new book Showing Your True Colours.

Published by Genius Media it is available from Amazon and Genius Media

Growing and developing your strengths in the new year

A very Happy New Year to you and really hope you got to have a good break over the Christmas period. As you set out to draw up the goals you want to achieve over the next 12 months, will you: Please let this year be about growing and developing in the areas of your greatest strengths. For people really grow and develop most in the areas of their greatest strength.

Now, being strong at something is more than just being good at it. Being strong at something means this is an area you want to pursue. Often, for reasons unbeknown to you, it is an area in which you want to grow, develop, and learn. It is as if you have a calling to it and just love to do it, regardless of the feedback you get—which is often good and gets better as you grow and develop this strength. You feel pulled towards this activity, even with the many doubts and fears you may have about doing it.

Being true to yourself.

If there is one thing that self-leaders do consistently when living out their lives—one value that they all share in common—it is integrity to do what matters most to them. When you pay close attention to what you say and do—and make sure both these things are focused on long-term aspirations, rather than the emotion of the moment—you discover, miraculously, that you have developed a better attitude. Acknowledge and accept that it takes tremendous commitment, determination, discipline and sometimes great courage to continuously engage in this practice of alignment. When you do, the chances of having success and happiness in life and work are so much greater.

Self-leaders find, when their words and actions are in alignment, they feel as if they are on track—in the zone, so to speak. When this happens, they seem to attract the right people and situations into their lives and work. They don’t believe in words but only in behaviours. They stick with what they know to be right. This can often call for great personal courage because sticking with what you know is right when all the odds are against you, is difficult.

Self-leaders make sure their words match where they are heading. If your words, actions and intentions match, it all works out without fail. Highly accomplished people use language in an instinctive or intuitive way, always focusing on what they are trying to accomplish. They are confident when they commit to progress with a strong narrative and matching deeds. They chip away and eventually overwhelm toxic thoughts and feelings and when you do, anything is possible.

So, will you please make sure that you are playing to your strengths in 2022?

If you want to follow up on what I have written here and live a life of true and real success for you, please check out my books—available from Amazon.

Cover Image by Nature_Design on Pixabay

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