Author, Speaker, Mentor

Tag: courage

Starting Anew

September is that month which is so often like January. A time for Starting Anew.

Rest of Blog The holidays are over and there’s a new look to the year ahead and what it is that needs to get done. School is starting back for so many young people. Many parents shed a tear when they see their child starting school for the first time. It really is the beginning of something new for both them and their child.

So why not let September be the start of something anew for you. Well at least to look at the time between now and Christmas and what needs to get done so as to make sure it’s a better one that the previous year.

Let it be a time to stop waiting to be hit between the eyes – to have that moment of clarity about the life you need to be living for it to be a happier and more successful one. Self-leadership is about going for it, facing the challenges with courage and determination, taking the disappointments with a sense of humour, hanging in there when the going gets tough and never giving up the thought that you will get there in the end, for you surely will. And you will, if you are prepared to start anew and go after the life you really wanting to be living.

If you don’t already know, then start identifying what you love and want to do in your life. Having done this, to then give it everything you have to make these things happen, to take ownership and the responsibility to see that they become an integral part of all that you do. Yes, luck favours the brave and, if you want to live the life of a self-leader, you will need some element of luck, but you will also need to be brave and determined. To do everything you can to move forward with your life in pursuit of the life you want to be living. In fact, luck often only comes to those who do the legwork, the ones who are prepared to put the time, effort and energy into looking at where they want to be in their life and how best to make this a reality. They are the ones who have the determination to go on and take action to make sure they have a chance of achieving the life they want to live. They understand that they must take on the traits of the self-leader within their life and work if they are to succeed and be successful.

For them every day’s anew day. So go on and start anew and start doing what you need to be doing for your life to be one of true success, just like theirs.

Is True Success to Know the Way and Go the Way?

Is True Success to Know the Way and Go the Way? It is for me, yet when it comes to you living a life of true success is that the case for you?

I’ve just finished giving a presentation here in Vilnius and those attending wanted to know what a life of true success meant to me. So I told them, true success for me is to know the way and then go the way.

Going on to explain to them as like I had written in The Six Traits of Self-leadership that many people often wait to be hit between the eyes – to have that moment of clarity about the life they need to live for it to be a happier and more successful one. Yet, it rarely works that way. The reality is that it usually takes years of trying and failing and trying again: lots of ups and downs and not quite getting it right, but feeling closer and closer, warmer and warmer, to the life you want to live.

That self-leadership is about going for it, facing the challenges with courage and determination, taking the disappointments with a sense of humour, hanging in there when the going gets tough and never giving up the thought that you will get there in the end, for you surely will.

Then finishing by saying that while I could tell them that this was what success was for me, it didn’t really matter a jot – for what was really the most important thing was for each one of them individually to define what life they need to be living for it to be one of real and true success for them.
So what would it actually mean to you to live a life of Self-leadership and have the life you need for it to be one of real and true success? What is the one thing you can now do to see this life become a reality – go on take that first step to bring your life forward?

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