It’s A New Year and how do you need it to be, A New You, for it to be one of true and real success?

For me one way is to answer the following question:

What will give me energy and what will take my energy over the coming year?

To actually identify that which will give me energy in 2018. There will be things like getting to travel as well as launch my new book.

Equally there will be the need to identify that which will take my energy and there will be things like having to give the garden a really big make over in the spring (would love to see it happen, only gardening just doesn’t do it for me). *

To take the time to look to all those activities that will need to be done over the following year. To identify the ones that will both drain my energy, yet more importantly identify the ones that will give me energy. The energy to be creative and stay the course in pursuit of the life I want to be living, both personally and professionally over the next 12 months.

Having answered the question that I then work at incorporating all those activities that give me energy into my daily life. For in truth those that are more rested, relaxed, focused and continually allow themselves to be renewed and creative will perform better than those who are not.

So, go on and allow yourself a little time and space to answer this question for when you do, you really are allowing some creativity into your life. Then as you go and do the activities which give you energy you will start believing you are a creative person with the capacity to take a creative approach to your life and your work. An approach allowing for A New You to appear for A New Year ahead. For when people build their lives around their passions and what it is that gives them energy they are using their full potential. Which in turn generally means they get to live far happier and more successful lives. Let this be the case for you to. Take good care and a very Happy New Year to you. A year that brings all that you need and more.

* Now, there’s a need to understand that what takes my energy might give you energy; and what gives me energy might just drain your energy, so this exercise is unique to each and every one of us.