Ok, so the new year’s resolutions may well have come and gone without any great success. The only thing at this time of year it’s all about summer time, self-leadership and achieving your goals for me. To now refocus on and achieve your goals rather than wait for another new year to start.

To remember that the easiest and simplest way to achieve your goals is to make sure they are:

Precise and measurable
Precise and measurable goals give a yardstick for gauging progress. When it comes to setting goals, you need to be precise, in other words have accurate, detailed and specific expected outcomes so you can measure achievement. When you do this, you’ll know exactly when you have achieved the goal and can take complete satisfaction from having achieved it. This, in turn, will keep you motivated to achieve other goals.

Personally challenging, but realistic
A goal is something that should challenge you to grow and use your potential to its fullest. It’s fine if, when you establish the goal, you don’t know exactly how it will be achieved. This is of the upmost importance. When setting your vision, you have to establish the destination regardless of knowing how you are going to get there. However, you often have to set the goal without knowing how you are going to achieve it.

Specify a time period in which it ought to be achieved
Attaching a date to goals creates a sense of urgency that puts the power and drive behind your daily and weekly actions to achieve it. A goal without a date by which it is to be achieved, is just a dream. Always state each goal as a positive statement, for instance refer to owning your own home, as opposed to having a house with a twenty-five-year mortgage around your neck. While moving in the direction of achieving goals, there is a need to check daily to ensure you are taking the right action(s) to see these goals implemented. Reviewing them regularly is also a great way of reminding yourself of the progress made and what is now most important to you.

There is a need to always stay mindful of the fact that if you are prepared to spend the time and put in the effort, it is possible to set clearly defined, meaningful goals. And once you have clearly defined goals, you can easily measure and take pride in achieving them. Thus, it is possible to see progress in what might otherwise seem like a long and, at times, unachievable journey towards the life you want to be living.

So, go on and set the goals you need to achieve between now and the end of year to bring you closer to living a life of true and real success.