Author, Speaker, Mentor

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Do you believe you are worthy of success in your life?

We can’t understate the challenges people and business are facing at this time only I felt it was needed to ask more so now than ever:

Do you believe you are worthy of success in your life?

– whatever that success means to you at this time.

For our meaning personal and professional success is something that people seem to be reflecting on now more than ever as we deal with COVID – 19.

If this question makes you feel uncomfortable, it could be because that which deeply matters to you, and what you think the world and others expect of you, are two completely different things. Your enduring success must be constructed on a firm foundation of choices that only you can make, not on anybody else’s idea of what success is for you.

I invite you to ask yourself what really matters to you. What do you feel is the popular notion of success for you? Until you compare these two things and become consciously aware of what you believe to be success for you, you risk being motivated by what other people expect of you.

Moreover, you may be afraid that if you pursue the success you want, and particular relationships, because they matter to you, you may not be as popular as you would like, or receive the recognition you wish for. Unfortunately, many people settle for popularity, acceptance and wealth over what truly matters to them. I encourage you to do the opposite, and pursue what is true for you.

Similarly, I encourage you to value your true friends: those who always want what is best for you, and who cheer you on your way as you pursue success that is right and true for you. Sometimes these will be new people, who come into your life as you achieve the success you want; others may be old friends, who have always supported and believed in you.

Remember, it is also important not to become so caught up in your own pursuit of a truly successful life that you let good, solid and true friendships slip by over the years. Make sure to give the true friend the time and effort their friendship deserves, and encourage them in pursuit of their own true success. The same goes for family members.

Until next month, take good care of yourself, all the best for now and if you want to follow up on what has been written here and living a life of true and real success for you please check out my books – available from Amazon.


Is now a good a time as any to invest in yourself?

Is now a good a time as any to invest in yourself? And if so, here are some thoughts and suggestions on how you might just do this.

Challenging and all as it may be at this time as we deal with the Covid–19 situation, eating the right foods, getting enough rest and relaxation, along with exercising on a regular basis is a great start. This and keeping your mind sharp through reading broadly, journaling and meditating daily if that is something that would work for you (as it does for me) is a great way to invest in yourself.

It is also important to be aware of who you are spending time with, and to invest your effort and energy in people who support you. By being proactive about looking after yourself in all these areas, you will also tend to like yourself more. As opposed to a vicious circle, this becomes a positivity circle. Moreover, as you get caught up in this positivity circle, your own paradigm of yourself – your self-esteem, self-confidence and integrity – will be profoundly affected.

As this is all wrapped up with self-esteem, which is vital to achieving success – success that is true and real for you. Feeling good about yourself starts with having a great relationship with yourself. For the problem is that so many of us just want to be accepted by the people who mean something to us – or to be part of the gang, the in-crowd. The difficulty with this is that we can end up living what others see as success for us. We are often more than happy to go along with that, as it will mean we are accepted, and stay part of the gang and the in-crowd. Yet we will never live to our fullest and reach our truest potential by letting someone else – be they parents, friends, family, neighbours or colleagues – define the meaning of our success.

While many people take action because of social pressures, those that achieve true success often take action despite social pressures. Looking for others’ approval, or not wanting to upset them, can often be the basis for the way in which many people make decisions in their own lives and relationships. If this has been the case for you, it will not be easy to change. Yet therein lies the challenge: to make those decisions and take those actions which will bring you to where you really want to go with your life. If you want to be truly successful, then you may have to be prepared to take actions which might not endear you to those people who matter in your life. Easily said, hard done!

Until next month, take good care of yourself, all the best for now and if you want to follow up on what has been written here and living a life of true and real success for you please check out my book: Conversations in Singapore – available from:

Liberties Press

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