Author, Speaker, Mentor

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The College Reunion

 Going to the 25th College Reunion tonight and looking forward to it. There will be about twelve us there. Not bad seeing as only fifteen of us finished in the class after 3 years together. It started out with 20 students. One guy has passed way since finishing. One can’t make it from Australia and one other did. One is away on a family holiday, a mix up with the dates; no doubt they will be in touch by phone when we are all together.

We and when I say we, I mean me, as I have been planning it since January, so really looking forward to catching up with everyone. Another one has made it from the USA, which is great as we haven’t seen her in twenty years.

The author Seth Godin talks about “tribes”, asking who your tribe is. Some really good American friends ask who do, you run with. Well, back in the day they were my tribe, the people that I ran with then. We were a small group of people challenging, supporting and encouraging each other to be the best that we could be. We couldn’t have made it without each other. We made life easier for each other. We wanted the best for each other. Now over the last twenty five years our lives have brought us in many different directions. Yet, many of us are still in touch on an individual basis.

It won’t be a night of secretly checking out who’s doing the best in their careers, marriage, parenting skills etc. It will be a night to celebrate each other’s company, laugh about the old times and wish each other the very best for the future and the next reunion. Now, if someone is struggling and we can help them out, we will, that’s a given.
When the night finishes I’ll be grateful for the time we had together. Yet, I’ll be even more grateful to them for the time we ran together as a tribe so many years back. Will also give thanks and be so grateful for the tribe that I now run with.

Truly hope you are getting to run with a good tribe now. If so, be grateful and thank them. If you haven’t found your tribe yet, hang in there and make sure to celebrate when you do.

Brexit and the British Prime Minister – a Vote on Leadership

It’s going to be a vote on the Leadership of the Prime Minister by all accounts….

When you hear the word ‘leadership’, what’s the first thing that comes into your mind? Is it management, power, position or something that you are born to do. When asked to name leaders they admire, most people think of, for example, Nelson Mandela and the Mahatma Gandhi’s of this world. Like the British Prime Minister they may well be leaders in their own right, yet there has to be more to it than just that.

For the leadership I like to write and talk about is one starting with a small ‘l’ not a big ‘L’, in the sense of what the traditional definition of a leader is. For me leadership starts with Self-leadership and this in truth begins with us as individuals and our willingness to improve our life. There’s no need for big or grandiose achievements. While these may happen, they don’t have to for you to live a life of self-leadership. Becoming a self-leader doesn’t mean you have to set out to save the world or anything like that. What is meant is that you identify what you love and want to do in life. Having done this, you then give it your all to make these things happen, to take ownership and the responsibility to see that they become an integral part of everything you do as you move forward with your life.

To recognise and accept the fact that overcoming difficulties and problems successfully does lead to a greater sense of fulfilment. That the challenges faced and overcome will make you stronger, ready for the next challenge and whatever difficulties or problems life will present. Sooner or later, most people learn that the future is not determined so much by what happens to them. Who they are and what they become will be decided predominantly by how they respond to the difficulties and problems that confront them.

So I wish all those voting in the up-coming election every success and the very best of wishes.

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