Many of us like to believe in the existence of eureka moments in which we’ll suddenly come to understand why we were born and what we need to be doing so as to become a leading light within our own life and work.

The storytellers in my new book Showing Your True Colours will tell you it rarely ever goes down that way. They will tell you that while there may have been no one overriding eureka moment, there was a whole sequence of insights instead.

Moreover, it was these insights that inspired them to figure out why they were born and the life they now wanted to live if it were to be one of real success for them. For many of them, it was a case of:

  • First insight: they were at a place in their life but it was not where they wanted to be.
  • Second insight: they had to admit this to themselves if they were to have any chance of their life getting better.
  • Third insight: they knew they would have to take ownership of the life they were living and figure out why they were born if they wanted things to change.
  • Fourth insight: they needed now to accept that they would have to go and live the life they were born to live if they were to be true to themselves and have a life worth living.

The storytellers accepted that they had gotten themselves into a situation of living a life that had mostly lost its sense of meaning and purpose for them – the two key ingredients to a joyful and productive life. They also now knew that if they wanted a different and better life than the one, they were currently living, then they had to do something about it if they wanted anything to change. That it was their responsibility to go and make the change happen, even if they had no idea how they were going to do this.

The inner journey

The first step to changing the storytellers’ lives involved acknowledging that they were not where they wanted to be in life. They then accepted that it was up to them and them alone to do something about it. But what is it that makes people begin to question the life they are living? Often, it might be a milestone event, such as being made redundant. Or it could involve doing a course or committing to work on personal growth and development. It could even mean deciding to actively pursue a dream.
Do hope you get to have a great Christmas and look forward to being back again with you again in January.

If thinking of getting someone a book for Christmas you might just think of getting them my latest one Showing Your True Colours

Published by Genius Media it is available from:
Amazon and Genius Media.


Cover Image – Copyright D Enzinger 2022