Having figured out he work you truly want to be doing, what if you cannot stay in your job and earn an income? This is the case for a lot of people who have figured out why they were born and the work they now want to do.

Many of them face the challenge of walking away from a career they may well have built up over many years. If this is the case for you too, then you may well be looking at the creation of an entirely new service or profession, and starting your own business and new way of life. The financial insecurity of having to leave your job and set up your own business or make a living differently can be daunting. It can be too much for some and stops them from pursuing the life they want to be living. For even if you do know what you want to do, there can be no guarantee of translating it into successfully making a living. This and the following major reasons often stop people from living the life they are meant to be living; we have already looked at aspects of these but let’s revisit them now:

  • The concern and upset that can be involved in giving up the life they are living may be too much for some people.
  • The idea of leaving the herd and safety of the life they know might be too scary.
  • The worry of dealing with rejection and ridicule should they fail, and being seen as a failure, can be too daunting.
  • Waiting till the perfect moment or to be in a perfect position – which never comes – before pursuing the life they truly want to be living.
  • Lack of self-belief that they are good enough and deserve to be living the life they were born to live.
  • Being unwilling to make mistakes and not meeting other peoples’ or their own expectations, and the challenge of dealing with the criticism that may come with this.
  • The struggle to deal with the often-unbelievable loneliness, along with the genuine fear of never being part of anything ever again, might just make some people go back to their old life.

Do you believe any of these would apply to you? If so, will these challenges be enough to stop you from doing now what you really want to be doing with your life?
Alternatively, is it a case of staying where you are and not rocking the boat? Or are you willing to stand out from the crowd, rock the boat and go live the life you were born to live? If so, are you prepared to give up the life you have been living and deal with all the challenges that may possibly come with this? And to deal with and overcome the often-added pressure from others to stay where you are and not risk possibly losing the life and career that you have worked so hard to build up? Can you ignore the demands placed on you to conform and stick with what you know, aware that to do otherwise might just mean others think you have gone mad?

In spite all of this, are you ready to go for it, knowing that occasionally, just like so many of those here, you may have to go against the grain and not accept how society would have you play it safe and not rock the boat? If so, for you it may be a case – as it was for so many of our storytellers – of cracking on in pursuit of the life you were born to live.

If you want to follow up on what has been written here and get to read fourteen stories of people who figured out why they were born and learned to live their truth – and how you can too then please get a copy of my new book Showing Your True Colours

Published by Genius Media it is available from:

Amazon and Genius Media