Author, Speaker, Mentor

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St. Patrick’s Day, it’s great to be Irish and even better to be alive

It is not surprising that there is a general perception that things are bad in the world right now. But how bad are things really? Things are not as bad as they may seem as there has, in fact, never been a better time to be alive. The average person is wealthier, healthier, smarter, cleaner, safer, fitter, stronger, better informed, more peaceful, kinder, freer, more equal and happier than at any time in human history.

There may well be times when you feel that your life is off-track. And if this is the case for you right now, just make sure that you keep coming back to the plan you have for your life. The goals that you need to achieve for it to be one of true and real success, for if you do so, you will finally arrive at the life you want to be living. This can also be true of us as families, communities and organisations. The key for us all is to have an end in mind – a vision of living a life of success and happiness and how it is we are going to reach it. So there will often be the need to act like pilots and sailors who tack left and right, never assuming they can head for their destination in a straight line. At times, it may seem like you are going in the wrong direction or even backwards. Sometimes you may need to go off course or indeed backwards to stay focused on living a life of success and happiness. Just remember that a plane heading for its destination will be off course over ninety-five per cent of the time but will still get there and, for the most part, on time, if not a little early.

Now, search out and find like-minded people and kindred spirits who are looking to live a life of true and real success if they are not already doing so. This may well be something that takes time, determination, patience and energy. Being surrounded by like-minded people will ensure you stay positive and keep you on your journey forward. Now that you are on the journey, you are living out and showing all the hallmarks of starting to live a life of success and happiness in pursuit of the life you want to be living. Now stick at it regardless of where you are from or time of year it is.

New Year Resolutions – Staying On Track For A New You

So how are you getting on with your New Year resolutions and all it is you wanted to achieve this year? Good I hope – did you get your goals for the year ahead written down – only three per cent of people have written goals and only one per cent review these written goals daily. While it will take time, dedication and commitment, it is possible to be in the one per cent. So get your goals written down – the goals it was you wanted to achieve as you set out to live 2017 to the best of your ability. For when you get your goals written down they will become a set of actions that will have to be done and, if completed successfully, the life you want to be living will become a reality.

For without clear goals, ambition or firm direction, the tendency will be to spend too much time doing small, easy tasks, leaving insufficient time and energy for the larger, more difficult and perhaps more important projects. Remember, when you set your goals and get them written down, you build up your self-image. You see yourself as worthy of these goals and begin to develop the traits and personality that will allow you to achieve them. Knowing what you want to achieve makes it clear what to concentrate on and improve on, and often you then subconsciously priorities that goal. Your goals will also motivate you in the short term and focus your attention on achieving what you have set out to do.

Self-leaders learn to differentiate between what is important and what is absolutely crucial. This is what you must do, too, with your goals: identify what is crucial and not just what is important. This means prioritising your goals and what it is you must get done so as to achieve the life you want to be living. Every success as you either start a fresh or carry on doing all that’s right in your life to make it one of true and real success.

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